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Upaya konservasi dan rehabilitasi lahan gambut melalui pengembangan industri perkebunan sagu

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dc.creator Herman, Herman 2020-06-15T03:59:01Z 2020-06-15T03:59:01Z
dc.identifier Herman, Herman Upaya konservasi dan rehabilitasi lahan gambut melalui pengembangan industri perkebunan sagu. Lambung Mangkurat University Press.
dc.description Indonesia has a fairly extensive peatlands which is about 20 million hectares, but some of them damaged hence it needs rehabilitation efforts. On peatland ecosystem, there is one highly efficient plant i.e sago (Metroxylon Rottb) which is potential to produce carbohydrates. Sago plant is capable of producing 15-40 tons of dry starch/ha/year, far above the ability of other carbohydrate producing crops like rice, corn, wheat and potato. Sago is a productive annual plant. By managing its seedlings, harvesting could be done continuously without replanting, hence it will ensure its sustainability. Unfortunately, research on sago’s superior varieties, cultivation technique, post-harvest technology, and development of sago’s derivative products are still limited. As a result, the potential of available resources cannot be utilized optimally and eventually production of natural forest carbohydrates from sago tree is mostly wasted. This is a literature study by using data and information obtained from related institutions and several research institutions. Data was analysed by using descriptive qualitative method. Several researches indicate that sago palms grow very well on the riverbank, peatlands and waterlogged area which most of other plants could not grow. Sago plants need plenty of water and can be grown on peatlands without ground water height adjustment, making it very suitable for the conservation and rehabilitation of peatlands. To ensure the success of conservation of natural forest and rehabilitation of peatlands, it is necessary to develop sago plantation management systems. Sago plantation industry development is technically and financially feasible. Supporting research, especially on the development of sago derivative products with high economic value is necessary. It is expected that sago could become prospective commodity to provide raw materials for food, renewable energy, and other industries. Those efforts are expected could bring sago to become one of promising plants following success of palm oil. Keywords: conservation, peatlands, plantations, food, energy
dc.format text
dc.subject AI Indexes (General)
dc.title Upaya konservasi dan rehabilitasi lahan gambut melalui pengembangan industri perkebunan sagu
dc.type Article
dc.type PeerReviewed

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