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Browsing by Subject "early marriage"

Browsing by Subject "early marriage"

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  • Suryadi, Budi; Ali Akhmad, Bachruddin (International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence, 2020)
    Early marriage in Indonesia suffered a downward rise phase in each province, previously the highest order was the province of West Java and then a few years after the highest order was the province of South Kalimantan. ...
  • Rosadi, Dian; Syahadatina Noor, Meitria; Octaviana Putri, Andini; Rahman, Fauzie; Laily, Nur; Anggraini, Lia; Yulidasari, Fahrini; Yulia Anhar, Vina; Husaini, Husaini (International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER), 2020-08-13)
    Early marriage is a form of marriage bond where the age that should not be ready to carry out a marriage bond. Marriage is carried out too early, will cause various negative impacts, such as the impact on psychological ...

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