Fishing boat construction is generally carried out without prior planning. Likewise with purse seiner used by fishermen
in Tanah Laut Regency. Shipbuilding will greatly affect the design and stability of the ship in supporting the operation of purse
seine fishing gear. The purpose of this study was to determine the design and stability of purse seiner used by fishermen in Tanah
Laut Regency. The study was conducted from April to October 2019. The vessel will be measured in the shape of the ship's
geometry which will then be analyzed using the Naval Architecture calculation and the Maxsurf v8i program to obtain a design
overview and the value of the stability value of the ship which will be compared with the standard stability value of the International
Maritime Organization (IMO). The results showed that purse seiner in Tanah Laut Regency were in the form of U-V Bottom. Value
of Cb = 0.458, Cp = 0.690, Cm = 0.666, and Cwp = 0.807. The stability value of purse seiner for Area 0o - 30o = 0.3411 m.rad,
Area 0o - 40o = 0.5878 m.rad, Area 30o - 40o = 0.2467 m.rad, GZ max = 2,247 m, Angle GZ = 87.3o, GM = 2,543 m has met the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) standard.